"Heaven in a wildflower..."
In the past few days, we have joined the Camino Frances in Melide and are now staying in a small pension 10 km from Santiago de Compostela. We have planned for a short walk tomorrow so that we don't arrive in Santiago too exhausted! Despite reading about the change in atmosphere when one gets within 100km of Santiago, I don't think any of us were prepared for the mental adjustment required. From weeks of walking in nature in relative solitude, the sudden crowds of pilgrims on the last stages are quite overwhelming. Many people do the last 100km as this is the minimum distance required to get the official Compostela. It is definitely easy to feel judgemental and superior when one sees big tour groups and people shipping their giant suitcases between albergues and lots of shiny, little- used technical clothing! However, there is also a degree of excitement as everyone gets closer to Santiago and the mood is quite infectious. The path has become much eas...